■ About the exhibition
We exhibited with artists who are actively working in USA, Europe, Japan, China and other countries. This exhibition, which showed the diversity of contemporary art in the world, was able to appreciate the difference between contemporary art forms and interpretations by country. When artists interact with each other, the inspiration of creation is mutually open, enabling more artistic activities and a positive effect of warm art power. It was an exchange exhibition that the artists of the world who gathered together with a good intention understood the contemporary art of Korea and the Korean artists grasped the flow of contemporary art in the world and ultimately contributed to the world.


■ Date : 2018. Nov 8(Thurs) ~ Nov 14(Wed)  '
■ International Artists: Stanislav Mikus, Gustovo Fernandez, Alena Kuznetsova, Paulina Cerda, Gina Plunder, Yuuko Suzuki
■ Photos of Exhibition


■ Video clip of opening reception

■ Videos of international artists



Seoul Art Show 2018



■ Date  
2018. Dec 21(Fri) -25(Tue)

■ Place
COEX 1F A Hall, Booth 127, 128

■ Gallery Harang Booth Shots

Copyright ⓒ 2018 Gallery Harang. All Rights Reserved
본 사이트에 실린 글과 사진은 동의 없이 무단 복제 및 배포할 수 없습니다.



Through the art exchange between Korean artists and the American artists, Harang Gallery built foundation for mutual understanding and cooperation among the countries and focus on the internationality of contemporary art in the global trend of cultural pluralism. It was a good opportunity to contribute to the diversity and dynamism of art by exploring how the two countries' art world coexist.

Opening Hours: Feb 21~ Feb 26, 2018





■ 전시 기간
2018년 6월 14일(목)-17일(일)


■ 전시 장소: Rhypark am Rhein, Muelhauserstrasse 17, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland

■ 하랑갤러리 부스 전경






Copyright ⓒ 2018 Gallery Harang. All Rights Reserved
본 사이트에 실린 글과 사진은 동의 없이 무단 복제 및 배포할 수 없습니다.




<Beauty of Korea Landscape Exhibit>

- 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Law of National Landscape


The exhibition expressed the beauty of Korea landscape such as natural scenery, urban landscape, historical and cultural space, etc. It formed a national consensus on the necessity of preserving the national landscape.

Opening Hours: Sep 1~Sep 30








Gallery Harang
is specialized in consulting Korean artists and reinforce the position of Korean art in the international art scene. Its aim is twofold: to promote emerging and established artists from Korea internationally and to introduce international artists to the local art scene. Gallery Harang promotes a strong presence at art fairs, forging close relationship with collectors and art professionals worldwide. Through active interaction with domestic and international galleries, it also provides artists with exhibition opportunities and endeavors to explore potential grounds for expanding into the global contemporary art orbit.

국내 미술문화의 발전을 위해 창작활동을 보이는 작가들을 대상으로 한국미술의 우수성을 국내 및 해외 미술 시장에 알리고자 설립되었습니다. 질 높은 전시 및 해외/국내 아트페어에서 한국현대미술문화의 발전에 기여하고, 해외갤러리 및 해외 작가들과의 적극적인 연계로 한국 미술의 가능성을 확장하고 동시대 현대미술을 해외에 소개하는 역할에 집중할 것입니다.

2017. 06.
최 애 리 대표

Aeri Choi



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